Acid Reflux.
When you experience a burning sensation in the chest or just an uncomfortable feeling in the mouth of stomach acid creeping, then it could be acid reflux. It usually affects at least 40% of the U.S. population. When the incident occurred at night and wake up to the end of the acid reached the respiratory tract. These are the most common symptoms that affect many people every day.Many people are unaware that these symptoms. Here are some possible causes of your discomfort and may prevent future episodes of reflux.· List of foods you eat. Acid reflux is usually caused by a variety of foods. could range from lemon, cream, fruit juices, sweet high-fat, alcohol and caffeine. Two of the most notorious cases are mint and chocolate. The lower esophageal sphincter relaxes when food is ingested, it is not close the passage of the stomach espohagus leading to reflux of food through the digestive tract. When the esophageal sphincter, relaxes the result is the reflux.· Determine the person sleeping next to you, or if you have been snoring all night. Snoring can be a sign that you suffer from sleep apnea. This is a major cause of reflux. Restricted air snoring, making a great effort of breathing. This will lead to the lungs, causing the expansion to be filled more with esophageal acid. This concentrates the acid. During sleep, the body stops producing saliva, which helps keep the acid in the mucosa in the bay. With a decrease in saliva production and the increase in acid concentration, the effect could be harmful.
When you experience a burning sensation in the chest or just an uncomfortable feeling in the mouth of stomach acid creeping, then it could be acid reflux. It usually affects at least 40% of the U.S. population. When the incident occurred at night and wake up to the end of the acid reached the respiratory tract. These are the most common symptoms that affect many people every day.Many people are unaware that these symptoms. Here are some possible causes of your discomfort and may prevent future episodes of reflux.· List of foods you eat. Acid reflux is usually caused by a variety of foods. could range from lemon, cream, fruit juices, sweet high-fat, alcohol and caffeine. Two of the most notorious cases are mint and chocolate. The lower esophageal sphincter relaxes when food is ingested, it is not close the passage of the stomach espohagus leading to reflux of food through the digestive tract. When the esophageal sphincter, relaxes the result is the reflux.· Determine the person sleeping next to you, or if you have been snoring all night. Snoring can be a sign that you suffer from sleep apnea. This is a major cause of reflux. Restricted air snoring, making a great effort of breathing. This will lead to the lungs, causing the expansion to be filled more with esophageal acid. This concentrates the acid. During sleep, the body stops producing saliva, which helps keep the acid in the mucosa in the bay. With a decrease in saliva production and the increase in acid concentration, the effect could be harmful.
· Pressure excessive abdominal is also a major cause of reflux. This could be accomplished in several ways. A big meal before bedtime is a way. Use tight clothing is another way to increase abdominal pressure. Liquids are usually an area of high pressure to low pressure. In this case, the stomach pressure acid resistant than go with a low pressure in the chest. This force can be in the esophagus.
• Another cause of acid reflux is the presence of a hiatal hernia. This is part of the stomach into the chest cavity. Stomach contents may be paid to the thoracic region. Further tests are needed to diagnose this condition. Consult your doctor and open, the problem will be of great help. It can help you track your medical history, if you have this condition
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